Everyone wants to be rich, but sometimes that's just not in our cards. Most people waste money on everyday purchases without realizing it and this leads to living paycheck to paycheck. It is amazing how a few simple financial habits can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars throughout the year. In this book I share tips and advice on how to earn money without drastically changing your lifestyle. I wrote this book because I realized that savings tips that I take for granted are not commonly known. Not everyone saves money on everyday purchases like I do and all it takes is someone sharing a great tip for you to start saving money as well. In this book I share tips for saving on monthly bills, eating out, grocery store shopping, and more. One of the things I try to highlight is that you don't need to change your lifestyle drastically to implement the tips I write about. In this book you are NOT going to be told you can't eat out, shop, or stay at home on a Friday night. Instead, it encourages you to form healthy and effective financial habits so that you can save or earn money with your everyday purchases. The examples in this book are mostly from my real life, and I chose to do it that way so that you can assimilate them to your life as well. It's understandable that everyone's spending habits are different, so I tried to pick categories and examples that apply to a wide variety of people. My goal with this book is that after reading it you can change at least ONE thing in your life that will lead to savings of at least $50 throughout the next 12 months. Ideally the advice in this book will lead to thousands of dollars in savings, but even $50 will more than pay for the cost of this book.I invite you to read this book as I am confident that you will not regret learning the information inside.