Mastering Design ThinkingThe Systematic Approach to Improve Considerably Your Business Success Rate About the Book:DesignThinking is exponentially transforming how brands operate in a positive way. It is changing the way in which businesses develop solutions. It is a user-centric approach that makes doing business easy for both brands and clients. Design Thinking is at the heart of creative and innovative businesses. Mastering Design Thinking can change the way businesses think and helps in better understanding of the client’s need. It adds value to the business and works in the growth of businesses. The book “Mastering Design Thinking” will help you become proficient in Design Thinking and change the way you approach your business for a higher success rate. “Mastering Design Thinking” provides an in-depth introduction of what design thinking is. It explains in detail why design thinking should be at the core of business development and how it should be a part of all business strategies. Furthermore, the book also gives important tips on how to take advantage of the dynamic approach of design thinking. The book “Mastering Design Thinking” explains everything from context mapping, designing and framing problem statements, and prototyping to idea generation, innovation, and creativity in business strategies. This book is a step-by-step guide to becoming an expert in design thinking. It will help your business grow at a higher rate by creating innovating solutions for the problems your business faces. It is better than many books because it takes you thoroughly through the steps involved in design thinking and is applicable to all kinds of business organizations.Fundamental Learnings from this book: The book “Mastering Design Thinking” by Max Answell will help you with: Understanding what design thinking isThe management and implications of design thinkingBenefits of using design thinking for business strategy developmentMapping and framing problem statementsBrainstorming ideas and creating innovative solutionsDivergent and convergent thinkingBusiness DesignKey Variables to transform large-scale organizational transformation The book is for beginners who wish to learn the brilliant approach of design thinking, but it can also help people who possess the intermediate-level skill. The book covers a diverse range of topics on Design Thinking for strategic improving the business success rate.Frequently Asked Questions:Does the book help in prototyping?Can this book be used by non-design businesspersons?Does this design thinking book help in generating more revenue?Ans) Yes, the book helps in prototyping after ideation and mapping of the problem.Ans) This book addresses all the basics of design thinking, and will definitely benefit non-design businesspersons by helping them learn all about design thinking and its implementation in business strategy development.Ans) The book “Mastering Design Thinking” will enable you will skills and tools which will help you understand the needs of your client more clearly, and address their problems innovatively in the bests way possible. This will help in success of the business and eventually generate more revenue.